I'm Felipe.

Front-End Developer

Me X LogRock.com - Website

Building a Multilingual, Lightning-Fast Website for Logrock: An Engineer’s Odyssey

Table of Contents

Update for July 2023

Sadly, the internationalization feature was scrapped by product and design. The website is now only available in English. As an enginner and advocate for accessibility and internationalization, I am disappointed by this decision and hope I can bring it back soon. However, I am proud of the work I did to make the website multilingual and accessible to a global audience.


In today’s digital landscape, a company’s online face is often the first glimpse the world gets. For me, as an engineer, tackling the challenge of rebuilding Logrock’s website was akin to navigating uncharted technical terrain. Logrock, a trailblazing startup in the trucking compliance, driver hiring, and insurance tech sector, sought a website that mirrored its commitment to innovation and user experience. What followed was a technical journey filled with challenges and victories that transformed the Logrock website from a clunky, outdated platform into a sleek, user-friendly, and globally accessible digital hub.

In this blog post, I invite you to join me on a technical road trip. We’ll explore the intricacies of multilingual support, the quest for a perfect 100 on Lighthouse, the art of parallax design, and the meticulous dance of SEO and accessibility. This is not just a story about Logrock; it’s a tale of technological innovation, design finesse, and my personal journey as an engineer in this endeavor. So, buckle up as we embark on this engineering odyssey through Logrock’s website development.

Breaking the Mold: Cool Features from an Engineer’s Perspective

In a world where corporate websites often follow cookie-cutter templates, I saw an opportunity to let the engineer’s creativity flow. Beyond delivering essential information, I aimed to craft a website that would engage and captivate users. Here are some standout features from my engineering lens:

The website’s image carousel, for instance, wasn’t just about showcasing images. It was a chance to push the boundaries of what CSS could do. Encased in a simulated program window created entirely with CSS, this carousel is more than just eye candy. It allows users not only to scroll through images but also to interact with a menu on the left side, providing quick access to specific images. The icing on the cake is the option to toggle between different product views. It’s a playground for CSS and a showcase of Logrock’s features.

Mesmerizing Integration Animation

The integration animation was a personal favorite. Crafted using p5.js, it wasn’t just about aesthetics; it was a fusion of code and creativity. Watching different integrations being absorbed by Logrock in a visually captivating way was a testament to the power of technology. It’s a reminder that as engineers, we have the tools to turn imagination into reality. If you’re curious about how it was made, I encourage you to check out our detailed post on the creative process [link to the post].

These features aren’t just fancy additions; they represent the engineer’s commitment to pushing the envelope and crafting a unique online experience. It’s about adding a touch of technical artistry to Logrock’s digital presence.

Challenges on the Technical Highway

As an engineer, I encountered a series of technical challenges on this journey. Each challenge was an opportunity for growth, innovation, and problem-solving:

Multilingual Mastery

Catering to a multilingual audience meant diving into the complexities of language support. I chose to integrate the react-i18n library into our build pipeline, allowing us to generate distinct versions of the site for different languages. This not only improved performance but also enhanced SEO by providing dedicated content for each language. It was like fine-tuning a powerful engine for a multi-country road trip.

Performance Optimization

Setting a performance benchmark of a perfect 100 on Lighthouse was a non-negotiable requirement. This meant optimizing every aspect of the site, from image loading times to script execution. It was a meticulous process akin to tuning an engine for maximum efficiency.

Responsive Design Brilliance

Creating a seamless experience across desktop and mobile devices required creative engineering solutions. It wasn’t just about scaling down the desktop design; it was about tailoring the experience for different devices. It was like engineering a versatile vehicle that could navigate any terrain.

Technical Expertise

Tackling the technical complexities of Gatsby, internationalization, and API integration was a learning journey. It required diving deep into Gatsby’s ecosystem, mastering i18n intricacies, and seamlessly integrating dynamic content from an API. It was like fine-tuning the engine while it’s running.

Dynamic Integration

Integrating dynamic content from an API added another layer of complexity. It meant bridging the gap between the static nature of the site and the dynamic data from the API. It was like engineering a hybrid vehicle that could switch seamlessly between gas and electric.

User-Centric Approach

Throughout these challenges, the guiding principle was a user-centric approach. It wasn’t just about overcoming technical hurdles; it was about ensuring that users would find the website intuitive, informative, and engaging. It was like engineering a vehicle with the user’s comfort and safety in mind.

Each challenge was a pit stop on this technical highway, and overcoming them collectively shaped the Logrock website into a high-performance, user-friendly, and globally accessible digital platform. It was a journey that reaffirmed my belief in the power of engineering and innovation.

Lessons from the Engineer’s Toolbox

As an engineer, this project was not just a technical task; it was a personal odyssey of growth and learning:

Enhanced Skillset

Mastering complex technologies like Gatsby, navigating i18n intricacies, and integrating dynamic content from APIs expanded my skillset as an engineer. It was like adding new tools to my toolbox.

Deeper Understanding

The challenges we faced provided a deeper understanding of website optimization, performance, and user experience. It was like gaining a roadmap to navigate future projects.

Multilingual Proficiency

Handling multilingual content taught me the importance of adaptability. It was like learning to speak different languages to connect with diverse audiences.


The need for mobile responsiveness underscored the importance of adaptable design. It was like fine-tuning a vehicle’s suspension for a smooth ride on any terrain.

Problem-Solving Skills

Overcoming technical obstacles honed my problem-solving skills. It reinforced the notion that challenges are opportunities for growth. It was like sharpening the tools in my engineering toolbox.

Quality Focus

Achieving a perfect 100 on Lighthouse emphasized the importance of quality. It was a reminder that excellence should always be the goal. It was like setting a high-performance standard for all future projects.

In conclusion, the Logrock website project was not just about enhancing the company’s online presence; it was a personal journey of growth, learning, and skill development that will undoubtedly shape my future projects and endeavors as an engineer.

Future Plans from an Engineer’s Perspective

Looking ahead, there are plans to continue the technical evolution of the Logrock website:

Transition to SvelteKit

In the future, I plan to migrate away from Gatsby to SvelteKit. This decision is influenced by evolving preferences and best practices in web development. It’s like choosing a more advanced engine for a smoother ride.

Tailwind CSS Integration

As part of the transition, I’ll be adopting Tailwind CSS as the primary CSS engine. This will offer a more streamlined and utility-first approach to styling. It’s like fine-tuning the aesthetics of the vehicle for a sleeker look.


The journey of transforming Logrock’s website from an outdated, underperforming platform to a high-performance digital hub reflects not just the company’s dedication to excellence but also my personal commitment as an engineer. It’s a testament to the power of technology, innovation, and the endless possibilities that lie ahead in the world of web development. As an engineer, I look forward to the exciting road ahead, ready to tackle new challenges and continue crafting exceptional online experiences.